Aerospace Lubricants
Our Tribolube® family of synthetic lubricants contains a large number of products that are particularly well suited for Aerospace applications. This family of lubricants covers an operating temperature range of (-140° F to 600° F), offers excellent lubricity, extreme pressure and anti-wear properties, resistance to fuel and oxidizers with excellent long-term anti-corrosion characteristics. Some of these synthetic lubricants have been specifically formulated to operate in a high vacuum environment for extended periods of time.
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Semicon & Optical Vacuum Lubricants
Our Tribolube® family of synthetic lubricants contains several products specifically formulated to meet the unique requirements of the semiconductor industry. These products have been designed to operate in high vacuum (10 -12 torr) environments for extended periods of time. Tribolube® lubricants have demonstrated low outgassing, nonmigratory, extreme load carrying capabilities in the following applications: bearings, gears, gearboxes, slides, gimbals etc.